Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Blog Update

I thought I would take a minute and officially go through and give some dap to the blogs that I link to. I am not a "Free linker", so when I link, it is for a reason. If you are interested in broadening your blog horizons, allow me to recommend some and give a word about each.

Emerging Minister is maintained by Greg Atkins, a media pastor and songwriter. He has interesting thoughts on church media and some great videos as well.

Eric Peters is a friend of mine who is an independent singer/songwriter. I absolutely love his music. In addition, he is a fantastic writer. He has recently become a father. Congrats buddy.

Ravelings is the blog of one of my friends here at church, Chip Burkitt. Chip is a great thinker, and there are few people with whom I like to talk and have deep discussions more than Chip. His wit and grasp of subjects come through in his writing.

Ben Witherington is a blog I just added today, but I can tell that he has some great thoughts. Apparently a PhD who teaches at Asbury Theological Seminary, he blogs a lot on current events from a scholarly Christian perspective, which is great.

Malcolm Gladwell had my full attention after I read his book Blink, which is a great read (that you can purchase on the left). He is a writer for The New Yorker and writes great blog articles as well. He seems to have taken a hiatus from blogging for a few months, but I expect him to come back.

Joel's Thoughts is run by Joel Maners, who I met through another blog. He is a good thinker and has an active blog. Check him out.

Vanguard Church is a blog I added recently because the author and myself seemed to be on the same page on a lot of things. The author is a pastor and has a history of working with the younger generation.

Think Christian has become one of my favorite blogs to read. A handful of contributors do a great job of posting on relevant issues in a well researched manner. Two thumbs way up.

Church Relevance is another of my favorite reads. It offers up many studies and stats that are interesting and helpful, as well as many links to great stuff.

The Tune of Tim is another recent addition. Tim placed some good comments on my blog, which led me to check him out, and I found out that he has a pretty cool blog. He writes about similar things as me (so it has to be good, right? :) )

No Kool Aid Zone is a sight dedicated to thinking and not accepting anything blindly. A great premise. A great blog.

Liquidoxology is a blog I linked to because of the great pictures that are posted. It is worth stopping by occasionally because there are always interesting images there.

Randy Dean is a friend of mine who I get to hear preach regularly. He is a fireball and a thinker (imagine that combo!).

Simply Kurt is the blog of Kurt Johnston, the Jr High Pastor of Saddleback Community Church. He is very funny and has a lot of good ministry insights.

Tim Ellsworth is the site that got me started blogging, and still the one I check most often. The site is very active and there is (almost) always some heated discussion. Those who frequent the site tend to be much more conservative than me from a ministry standpoint. I'm pretty sure they think I'm a heretic (not really).


Tim Ellsworth said...

We don't think you're a heretic, Nick. We know you're a heretic. :)

Thanks for the kind words.

Unknown said...

Oh rats, this means I'm actually going to have write another blog post soon. Seriously, though, I came to the realization today that it's been two weeks since I blogged and I've obviously let work get in the way of what is really important - ie blogging. Thanks for the pub!